13 July 2006

Last visit with Dr.Low

She said "You are saying all the right words. You need to work on acting on your own best advice"
I say...good trick

She said "Take 24: delay acting on your impulses. Wait 24 hours before acting on any obsession"
I say...OK another game I can play with myself

She said "Practice doing the right thing. Start fresh each day"
I say...I like to think that way...it fits my psyche

She said "Save yourself!"
I say...but what about all the other souls I'm trying to save

She said "You are overfed...food will not rescue you"
I ask...no more calming myself with carbs?

She said "Who do you think you are...god?"
I say...well no but, I have learned how to survive and I believe I can teach others

She said "Be focused on the dog...you will learn about yourself"
I say...amen.

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