31 July 2006

Books and linen and flip-flops...oh my

This was Cherokee; I stopped on the way to my friend's, on the way up to visit her one last time. She is on her way to Ruidoso, NM. I helped her get started. Packing box after box; actually mostly empty cases formerly packed with exotic beer.
She said fill them so they all weigh the same; couple books, some linen, topped off with a pair or two of flip-flops. New flip-flops, old flip-flops, certain styles in a variety of colors, most very girlie and fun.
Labels, I marked them with a Sharpie, piled the boxes up on the front deck, in one corner. Just a small dent in the contents of her house, that needed to be packed, but it was a start and that is what needed to get done.
We needed to get started. Same with my job hunt. I finally got started. Now I ask everyone I meet. Just needed a jump start.

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