03 December 2005

Story of Amie

This is the story of Amie. Amie is the puppy I got for my daughter to keep my daughter from running away. She threatened to run and then brought home stray cats. She hovered over adoption events at the local pet stores. She hugged and kissed every dog she met and cried about not having a dog of her own. I was not a dog person but I became one.

We went to dog shows. We read dog encyclopedias. We discussed and negotiated and I bought her a puppy for Christmas 5 years ago. Amie. Somehow, through our ignorance, Amie became my dog. Amie is a Papillon. She is smart, loyal, tiny. She barks, she licks, chases cats, and she is always nearby. She has come camping with us and traveled across the country with me. Willingly!

She wanted to be with me every minute. We tried to make her sleep with C but Amie had a doggy mind of her own and dug in her paws; she protested, she rebelled. She growled and snapped and got more and more defensive of her position in my bed, on my pillow.

I was also phobic about snakes. No more. Learned to love them too. The story of Amie is a story about love and the journey of a mother and child. Something that happened because I let go and let my baby lead me. We take turns leading now and it is happy happy joy joy!

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